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genial on是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/genial ...htm 发布时间:2021-03-24
genial on是什么意思 genial on在线翻译 genial on什么意思 genial on的意思 genial on的翻译 genial on的解释 genial on的发音 genial on的同义词 genial ongenial on 双语例句


1. Each limb stanza seen you follow moving melody to swing body on the ice stadium, dance to is that so daintiness, let that genial breezes in my heart start to float in a twinkling, the on the face also peeped out similar to you smiling face with self-confident sunlight.

2. David Llewelyn: And the African Genial who is the junior judge of the European Court said it is urgent that there should be consistent decisions on the same facts.

3. Moreover, roasting and basting operations were continually carried on in front of the genial blaze.

4. The eaves are dripping on the south side of this simple roof, while the titmouse lisps in the pine and the genial warmth of the sun around the door is somewhat kind and human.

5. The last time was on a genial day in spring.

6. I notice that he is fat and bald with a delightfully genial expression on his face.

7. I refer to the aesthetics of banality, safely housed within the four walls of genial petit bourgeois morality; the sentimental philosophy of kitchen-sink, country-bumpkin *(a rustic or socially inept person)earthiness*(somewhat coarse or crude, unrefined), and the provincial conception of the world based on the belief in its general goodness.

8. genial on的翻译

8. These girls have independent thought and the perfect personality. we may see Yuanyang resisted in marrying the old host and so on, behind a series of staunch behaviors, it shows thorough her marrow servile consciousness; Pinger is Xifeng Wangs primary assistant, but her treated people and handled matters still maintaining she fair genial principle, she is a quiet but special girl. Xiren have suffered common peoples censure accusation, but she is a smart and gentle girl, what she wanted was just being loved and a kind of stable peaceful life, these are simple desire. The female servant Zjuan had looked after noble lady Daiyu Lin. But she is not merely a supporting role. The novel reflects she is a girl who is cute、selfless、honest、and thoughtful.

9. He knows how to spot genial smiles on the audience.

10. His genial manner varished and his voice grew on a sudden hard and stem.

11. The Influence of Moisture in Water-storing Sink of Baby Genial Tank on the Bacterial Reproduction

12. When the First Sound spring thunder shake, when the first repeat Xiaguang shines into the gloomy heart, when the first drops of morning dew fall on parched lips, it awakened the soul leaves the soul of the tree, her smile and reveal, to pure Binocular gaze branches, which cover between the light green Manzhi spores, in the genial spring breeze blowing, the one show she explains, seeing this land is still standing branches, be adjourned to the outstanding pre-existence of the Food of Love......

13. genial on的意思

13. Aldo Rustichini is a genial Italian economist with a head of hair that seems to have been modelled on Albert Einstein\'s.

14. genial on什么意思

14. I noticed that he is fatness and bald, there is genial and kind expression that is pleasing on his snrene face.

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本文链接: http://genial.immuno-online.com/view-697966.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)